Sida isugeyntu u shaqeyso

Chelsea Electricity Choice is a municipal electricity aggregation, which is a kind of group electricity buying program for a city or town.

  • Chelsea buys electricity from an electricity supplier that it chooses.
  • You receive a new price for the electricity supply charge on your Eversource bill.
  • Eversource remains Chelsea’s electric utility and continues to deliver your electricity, address power outages, and handle all billing as it does now.

Isku geynta waa suurtagal sababtoo ah Massachusetts waxaan dooran karnaa alaab-qeybiyahayaga korontada, taas oo ah shirkadda noo dhejisa koronto.

But we have no choice in our electric delivery utility. If you live in Chelsea, Eversource is your electric delivery utility no matter what.

Isku-darka korontada degmada waxaa awooday Xeerka Dib-u-habaynta Massachusetts ee 1997 (cutubka 164, xubinta 134aad) waxaana nidaamiya Waaxda Adeegyada Dadweynaha ee Massachusetts.

Ka hor inta aan la isku geyn

Kahor inta aysan bilaabin iskudarka, macaamiisha badankoodu waxay leeyihiin Adeegga Aasaasiga ah ee Eversource. Tani waxay ka dhigan tahay in Eversource ay bixinayso (iibsanayso) korontadaada marka lagu daro keenista, iyo Eversource waxay isticmaashaa qiimahooda Adeegga Aasaasiga ah si ay u xisaabiso kharashka Bixinta ee biilkaaga. Waxaa lagugu meeleeyaa Adeegga Aasaasiga ah ee Eversource marka ugu horraysa ee aad furto akoonkaaga, mar walbana waad ku noqon kartaa.

Eversource’s Basic Service prices change every 6 months or less.

Iyada oo la isku daray meesha

With an aggregation, the electricity supplier chosen by Chelsea, which is Direct Energy, supplies your electricity. But Eversource continues to deliver your electricity without interruption. Eversource uses the price provided by Direct Energy to calculate the Supply charge on your bill instead of their Basic Service price. Chelsea Electricity Choice prices are fixed until June 2026.

Your primary relationship for electricity remains with Eversource:

  • You continue to call Eversource if you lose power.
  • Eversource continues to send your bill, and this is the only electric bill you will receive as a participant in Chelsea Electricity Choice.
  • You continue to send bill payments to Eversource.

If you are eligible for a low-income discount or fuel assistance, you continue to receive that benefit. If you have Eversource’s Budget Billing, it will continue to apply to the Delivery portion of your bill, but it will no longer apply to the Supply portion of your bill.

If you are participating in community solar, or you are receiving net metering credits or incentive payments for electricity produced by solar panels on your property, you will continue to receive your credits or incentive payments as a participant in Chelsea Electricity Choice. Further, there will be isbeddel ma jiro in how they are calculated. Their calculation is not connected to your Electricity Supply price.


Lacag ma kaydsanaysaa?

Malaha! Sida laga soo xigtay Warbixin ay soo saartay UMass Amherst, the majority of communities with aggregation programs do see some savings compared with Eversource’s Basic Service prices. Right now, the prices for all Chelsea Electricity Choice options are lower than Eversource’s residential Basic Service price.

However, Chelsea Electricity Choice offers long-term fixed prices, while Eversource’s prices change every 6 months or less. Natiijo ahaan, kaydinta marka la barbar dhigo Eversource marnaba lama dammaanad qaadi karo.

Haddii aadan ku faraxsanayn barnaamijka, waxaad mar walba xor u tahay inaad ka baxdo barnaamijka wakhti kasta iyada oo aan wax lacag ah ama ganaax ah la kulmin.

Wax badan ka baro isku-darka