
Acton Power Choice is an electricity aggregation program, which is a group electricity purchasing program from the Town of Acton for residents and businesses. Acton Power Choice provides:

  • More renewable energy in your electricity supply
  • Stable, long-term electricity supply prices
  • Consumer protections without high pressure or fees

Savings compared with Eversource’s Basic Service are also possible, but they cannot be guaranteed because Eversource’s prices change and their future prices are not known.

The program is a Town-vetted alternative to Eversource’s Basic Service and to other electricity supply offers in the marketplace.

Status bar showing 421 accounts on Acton Power Choice Green as of February 2024

This tracker shows how many Acton Power Choice participants were enrolled in the GREEN option as of February 2024. Check back here for progress, and help us reach 750 Acton Power Choice GREEN accounts in 2024 by opting up to Acton Power Choice GREEN today!

If you’re subscribed to Acton Power Choice GREEN and would like to host a promotional yard sign this spring, please contact us by filling out the form here or email sustainability@actonma.gov.

One of the easiest and quickest ways to reduce your carbon footprint

Acton Power Choice offers three electricity choices, including two clean electricity choices (Acton Power Choice Standard and Acton Power Choice GREEN), that give you greater control over the environmental characteristics and price of your electricity supply:

Get information about program options, renewable energy content, and prices.

By participating in Acton Power Choice Standard or Acton Power Choice GREEN, you will receive more renewable energy than the state-required minimum, reduce your personal carbon footprint, and help to reduce Acton’s carbon footprint as well. You will also help to drive the development of new renewable energy projects in the New England region by building a stronger market for the electricity generated by those projects.

Opt up to Acton Power Choice GREEN for 100% renewable electricity: Complete a brief online form or call Acton’s program consultants at 1-844-379-9933.


New electricity accounts in Acton will be eligible for automatic enrollment in Acton Power Choice. Automatic enrollment occurs on a periodic basis and only after you receive a notice in the mail from the Town. You may also choose to enroll online or with a phone call. Learn about enrolling.

Compare the cost

Use this online calculator to compare Acton Power Choice prices with the most recent 12-month average of Eversource’s Basic Service prices and see the greenhouse gas emissions impact of opting up to the Acton Power Choice GREEN option. Or compare Acton Power Choice prices with Eversource’s current Basic Service price.

How it works

Participating in Acton Power Choice will change your electricity supplier and the price Eversource uses to calculate the Supply charge on your electric bill, but participating will not replace Eversource as your electric utility or change the Delivery charges on your bill. How aggregation works.

Example Eversource bill

Acton Power Choice is integrated into your existing Eversource electric bill. You can use your bill to learn whether you are enrolled in Acton Power Choice and in which option you are enrolled. 

View an example Eversource bill

Savings cannot be guaranteed

Please note, while Acton Power Choice offers the potential for savings when compared with Eversource’s Basic Service prices, there is no guarantee of savings. This is because Eversource’s prices change seasonally and future Eversource prices are unknown.

Protect yourself!

If you receive mail about an electricity offer, read it carefully before signing anything. If you do not see:

1. The Acton Power Choice name
2. The Acton Town Seal

…the offer is NOT from Acton Power Choice  

Also, please remember, Eversource will never knock on your door or call you to talk about your electric bill. Eversource communicates in writing, and their correspondence always bears their logo. If someone calls claiming to be from Eversource, they are not. They are from a private company trying to get your business.