Ninja Table in ACF content area:

(automatic enrollment)
62% from new regional renewable energy resources (option)
100% from new regional renewable energy resources** (option)
National Grid’s Basic Service (if you opt out)
Price14.843 ¢/kWh*16.415 ¢/kWh*17.849 ¢/kWh*18.213 ¢/kWh – residential
17.262 ¢/kWh – commercial
21.015 ¢/kWh – industrial
Price periodNovember 2023 – November 2025November 2023 – November 2025November 2023 – November 2025November 1, 2023 – July 31, 2024, residential & commercial. November 1, 2023 – January 31, 2024, industrial.
Renewable energy content From new regional resources (MA Class I RECs)
Added by Chelmsford
40% – 2023
40% – 2024
40% – 2025

78% – 2023
76% – 2024
73% – 2025

Required by state law22% – 2023
24% – 2024
27% – 2025
22% – 2023
24% – 2024
27% – 2025
22% – 2023
24% – 2024
27% – 2025
22% – 2023
24% – 2024
27% – 2025
Total22% – 2023
24% – 2024
27% – 2025
62% – 2023
64% – 2024
67% – 2025
100% – 2023
100% – 2024
100% – 2025
22% – 2023
24% – 2024
27% – 2025
From other clean or renewable sources required by state law37% – 2023
38% – 2024
37% – 2025
37% – 2023
38% – 2024
37% – 2025
37% – 2023
38% – 2024
37% – 2025
37% – 2023
38% – 2024
37% – 2025
Exit termsLeave any time.
No exit charge.
Leave any time.
No exit charge.
Leave any time.
No exit charge.
Leave any time. No exit charge. However, industrial customers only (rates G-2 and G-3) on the fixed-price Basic Service option may receive a billing adjustment, which may be either a credit or a charge.
Marlana's new row. Can I make this bold?
How do I indent this?
Price #1

Price #2

Price #3

Price #4