Program implementation process

Implementing a municipal electricity aggregation program like Revere Power Choice is a regulated process that is overseen by the Massachusetts Department of Public Utilities (DPU).

The implementation process can take as long as a year to complete, and it includes a regulatory review and approval process that typically requires several months. The list below includes key milestones in the program implementation process.

1. Public vote

Revere had to vote publicly to pursue aggregation.

  • The City Council vote occurred on October 17, 2022.

2. Public review and comment

To obtain the regulatory approval needed to launch Revere Power Choice, the City must first create an Aggregation Plan and make it and other aggregation documents available for public review and comment.

The Aggregation Plan is a high-level authorization document that lays out the program structure and demonstrates how Revere will meet regulatory requirements.

  • Revere’s Aggregation Plan was made available for a 30-day public review and comment period from September 9 – October 9, 2024, and presented to the public on September 9, 2024.

3. Regulatory review and approval

Revere must submit its Aggregation Plan to the Massachusetts Department of Energy Resources (DOER) for review and then to the DPU for approval before the program can launch.

This regulatory review process typically takes several months.

  • Revere’s Aggregation Plan was reviewed by DOER on August 5, 2024.

4. Signing an electricity supply contract

Once the regulatory review process is complete and Revere’s Aggregation Plan has received approval from the DPU, Revere will implement a competitive procurement process to select and sign a contract with an electricity supplier.

During the electricity supply procurement process, program details will be finalized, including the launch date and the price for each program option.

5. Public notification and education

After the electricity supply contract is signed, a formal notification will be sent from the City to electricity account holders with National Grid’s Basic Service who are eligible for automatic enrollment in the program. (The automatic enrollment model is state law.) The notice will include information about program options and prices and how to opt out if you do not wish to participate. The notice will bear the City Seal.

In addition, Revere will conduct a public outreach about the program, which will include a media release and public information sessions where community members can ask questions.

Electricity customers with private electricity supply contracts can begin requesting enrollment during this time as well.

6. Program launch

At the conclusion of the public education effort, Revere Power Choice will launch. Revere is targeting 2025 for program launch, depending on the duration of the state regulatory review and approval process.