Example Eversource bill
This page helps you to find Weston Power Choice on your bill. Use the calculator to compare the cost of participating in Weston Power Choice vs. Eversource’s Basic Service. |
Your Eversource electric bill is calculated by adding two charges together:
- Delivery charge – The cost to deliver electricity to you, maintain the poles and wires, and address power outages.
- Supply charge – The cost of the electricity you use.
Weston Power Choice will impact only the Supply charge portion of your Eversource electricity bill. Eversource’s Delivery charge will not be impacted by your participation in Weston Power Choice.
As a participant in Weston Power Choice, you will see two changes on your Eversource electricity bill:
- Weston’s electricity supplier will be listed on your bill as your electricity supplier.
- Eversource will use a Weston Power Choice price to calculate the Supply charge on your electricity bill instead of their own Basic Service price.
Here’s what to look for on your Eversource bill:
Page 1 of your bill:
Your electricity supplier is listed on the first page of your bill.
If you are enrolled in Weston Power Choice, you will see Weston’s electricity supplier listed as your electricity supplier, followed by their contact information. While we recommend contacting customer support with the Town’s consultants for help with the program, you may also contact Weston’s electricity supplier directly if you wish.
Page 2 of your bill:
The price that is used to calculate your Supply charge (your electricity supply price) is on the second page of your bill.
Look below the Supplier header and find the row labeled Generation Srvc Chrg.
Look to the right to the math problem. This is the calculation for your electricity Supply charge.
- The first number is the amount of electricity you used in the previous billing cycle.
- The second number is your electricity supply price. That price will be a Weston Power Choice price. The program will have options, and each option will have a different price.