Am I already in the program?
Check the Supply Services portion of your recent National Grid bill. If “Green Worc ElectriCITY Aggregation Prog” is listed as your electricity supplier, you’re all set. Once you’re in our program, there’s no need to do anything, unless you choose to opt out.
How green is the electricity supply?
Worcester Standard Green is the default option, but you may upgrade to Worcester 100% Green at any time. Whichever option you choose, more than half your electricity will come from new renewable energy projects in the New England region. Our contract with Direct Energy more than doubles the state required minimum of electricity you receive from new renewable resources in the New England region. And we’ve done a thorough vetting process to ensure that the supply meets our standards and comes from reliable sources. If you select the 100% Green option, all of your electricity will come from new renewable resources in the New England region.
What if I change my mind and want to go with another supplier?
No problem! You can opt out of the program at any time, with no penalty. You can also rejoin Green Worcester ElectriCITY’s power supply at any time. Please note, however, depending on market conditions, if you rejoin the program at a later date, the program price is no longer guaranteed, and you may be charged a different price than current Green Worcester ElectriCITY customers.
If I participate, what stays the same?
National Grid is still your electric utility. They will continue to deliver your electricity, be responsible for managing power outages, and bill you. Your National Grid invoice is the only electric bill you’ll receive, and it will include supply charges for Green Worcester ElectriCITY.
So, why should I participate in the Green Worcester ElectriCITY Municipal Aggregation Program?
- More than half to 100 percent of your electricity comes from guaranteed, vetted, new renewable energy resources in the New England region.
- No surprises in your electric bill. Rates remain fixed for the contract term.
- Opt out at any time with no penalty.